NCS English II Honors - American Literature

English III is a study of the tremendously diverse literature that has been produced in America from the time of the Native Americans to the present day. The primary focus of this course is to study and gain a better knowledge of the our culture by examining various literary works, critical reviews of such works, and secondary sources such as art work, movies, songs, etc.

Sunday, November 26, 2006

The Scarlet Letter Chapters XI - XII Reading Tags

DUE BY 8am ON TUESDAY, 11/28!Analyze the tags for Chapters XI AND XII in this blog. Use the following format in your analysis of each tag:
1. Tag and page number where the tag can be found
A. Author/Facts (does not have to be in complete sentences)
oFacts from the novel according to the tag
oWho?, What?, When?, Where?
oDefine new words
oHow? Why?
oWhat do you think about the situation surrounding the tag?
oRespond to the quote.



Blogger rjones5 said...

15. Public Veneration (114)

A. Author/Facts
-Dimmesdale's image in the eyes of the townspeople is growing even greater.
-He is being respected and venerated by everyone in the town
-Chillingworth has been torturing Dimmesdale by making subtle comments towards him regarding the secret that Dimmesdale continues to keep.
-He seems to want drive him mad and make Dimmesdale confess on his own.
-It is tearing Dimmesdale apart from the inside.

B. Reader/Response
-Chillingworth is toying with Dimmesdale and his physical and mental health. He knows what Dimmesdale has done and has not seen fit to tell anyone.
-Dimmesdale is continuing to attempt to reveal his secret subtly to the whole town. His attempts have only resulted in more honor showered on him by the townspeople.
-He doesn't want to tell, he wants to be found out but I think that he is too highly respected by his congregation for anyone to catch on.

16. Self-punishment (114-115)

A. Author/Facts
-Dimmesdale punishes himself as a result of his feelings concerning his sin.
-His punishments include making marks on his own body.
-He also begins to have visions of Hester and Pearl.

B. Reader/Response
-Dimmesdale appears to be trying to make up for the fact that he is not being punished by punishing himself in private.
-Obviously, it is pretty stupid to try to make up for a life of public ridicule by cutting yourself.
-He wants to be punished but not too much. He wants to confess but not enough to give more than vague hints.

17. Second Scaffold Scene (117-124)

A. Author/Facts
-Dimmesdale gets up in the middle of the night and goes to the place of Hester's humiliation.
-He stands there to try to do what Hester did and maybe get caught.
-Reverend Wilson walks back past Dimmesdale but doesn't see him.
-Dimmesdale then sees Hester and Pearl who were returning from the governor.
-The governor was very sick and was confined to bed.
-Hester and Pearl come onto the platform with Dimmesdale and Dimmesdale is asked by Pearl to stay out in the daylight with her.
-He says no and she gets very upset with him.
-He leaves in the morning.

B. Reader/Response
-Again, all he seems to be doing is seeing how close he can get to giving away his secret without giving it away.
-Pearl and Hester join him and Pearl shows her supernatural 3 year-old insight again when she gets angry at Dimmesdale for not wanting to reveal his secret.
-This is starting to all be old news and I'm just reading the book. Those in the book, it would seem, would have mostly let this whole thing go after all this time.
-I believe Dimmesdale will reveal his secret by himself.

Red "A" in the Sky (123)

A. Author/Facts
-A meteor goes across the sky.
-It lights up something in the sky that looks like an A.
-Dimmesdale of course thinks this represents the adultery he committed.
-Dimmesdale is told the next morning that people in the governor's mansion saw it right after he died and thought it stood for "angel."
-Someone recovered a glove from the platform that was Dimmesdale's but it was merely suspected to be a prank.
B. Reader/Response
-The red A doesn't mean a whole lot to me. The author just made a big red A appear in the sky, so what?
-The governor died and everyone assumed that the A meant angel. I wonder if they would have supposed differently if Hester had died with that in the sky?

I'm sick. bleh.
Ryan Jones

8:16 PM  
Blogger lochness eats ducklings said...

15. Public Veneration (114)

a. Author/Facts

• Public veneration is public respect, and in this case it is highly mistaken as such. Dimmsdale is trying to admit to the congregation that he has committed this horrible sin, and they mistake his confessions for holiness.

• Chillingworth is completely sending an unsuspectful Dimmsdale on this torturing guilt trip, little by little. Dimmsdale feels the effects of this, but still does not fully realize what Roger is doing to him.

• As Dimmsdale grows sicker and sicker, Chillingworth completely delights in torturing him, while Dimmsdale is being love by the people because he understands human weakness, and, in preaching on sin, tries to reveal his own sin. This does not work because the people just think that he is being godly.

b. Reader Response

This is so incredibly sad. I really feel bad for Dimmsdale. It is no wonder that he is getting sick- his physician is more worried with harming him than curing him. It would also be frustrating if you were trying to tell someone something and they continued to misunderstand you. I think that Chillingworth really feels that he has gained control of Dimmsdale in a sense. He knows his secret, while Dimmsdale does not know that he knows it

16. Self Punishment (114-115)

a. Author/Facts

• Because Dimmsdale cannot find peace with himself or with his sin. He tries to reprimand it by torturing himself. He whips himself and does not sleep, only adding to his sickness.

• At the end of the chapter, he finally has an idea that he thinks will put him at ease with his sin, but it is not revealed yet.

• Dimmsdale also has visions, one including Hester and Pearl, with Pearl pointing at Hester’s scarlet letter, and then at Dimmsdale’s chest.

b. Reader Response

Dimmsdale’s health continues to fail because he starts to physically harm himself. He is already being mentally hounded by Chillingworth.
I think that he is going to try to put himself through the same things that Hester has gone through. Dimmsdale starts to have these weird visions which help him to preach better sermons in some way because his people now love him even more thinking that he is so utterly holy. It is very ironic.

17. Second Scaffold Scene (117-124)

a. Author/Facts

• In this scene, Dimmsdale tries to make peace with himself by standing up on the scaffold. Eventually, Hester and Pearl arrive after measuring a dead guy for a burial robe (to put it in simplest terms) and go to stand with him upon the scaffold.

• Pearl asks Dimmsdale if he would stand up there with him at noon the next day, but he says no. Dimmsdale’s answer is that that will happen on judgment day. Pearl is not happy with this answer, but the whole conversation is symbolic of Dimmsdale’s not wanting to let the secret out, even though it is killing him.

• Chillingworth shows up and totally ruins the already dampened mood by just being there. He pretends like nothing at all is wrong, and revealing that he knows the whole story in doing that. Dimmsdale admits that he hates Chillingworth for a reason he does not know why, but when questioned, Hester will not reveal his true identity.

b. Reader Response

This scene is very interesting, because even though Dimmsdale has gone through all this trouble to get rid of his guilt, he is ignoring the one thing that will actually free him from his sin…to admit he has sinned and ask for forgiveness. Even though he has tortured himself, lost sleep, and stood upon the place of shame, Dimmsdale has gotten nowhere except sicker and emotionally unstable.

18. Red “A” in the sky (123)

a. Author/Facts

• As Dimmsdale, Hester, and Pearl are standing at the scaffold, a meteor or comet makes a red A in the sky. This is very supernatural in nature, because that is totally out of the norm.

• The red letter that appears in the sky is totally representation of both Dimmsdale and Hester’s sin.

• It is ironic how Pearl tortures Dimmsdale too by claiming that she knows the true identity of Chillingworth, but whispering gibberish into Dimmsdale’s ear.

b. Reader Response

The fact that a comet spelled a red letter A in the sky is totally unbelievable and supernatural. It is not something that would just happen, especially over two adulterer’s standing with their child for the first time on a place of shame displaying the same colors as is one one’s dress. It just doesn’t happen every day. As for Chillingworth, I really just don’t like him one bit. He is mean, farther then a revengeful husband should be allowed to go.

8:19 PM  
Blogger lochness eats ducklings said...

signed Katherine Leigh Miller

8:20 PM  

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