NCS English II Honors - American Literature

English III is a study of the tremendously diverse literature that has been produced in America from the time of the Native Americans to the present day. The primary focus of this course is to study and gain a better knowledge of the our culture by examining various literary works, critical reviews of such works, and secondary sources such as art work, movies, songs, etc.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Emily Dickinson R.A.F.T. Questions

Post any specific questions you have about your R.A.F.T paper that is due on Tuesday, 2/6! I will check the blog over the weekend.


Blogger Jenni Vega said...

Exact rhyme. And you may format your essay as you described. Also, I am so proud of you that you are understanding poetry. I knew you could do it.

1:15 PM  
Blogger Jenni Vega said...

The introduction paragraph is good. You just need to fix the run on lines 7 and 8...."no one else, Emily States..." Also, last line you need to put "following the rules rather than God." It is clearer. Great job for a first draft of a Intro paragraph.

1:19 PM  
Blogger Jenni Vega said...

You can organize it anyway you want, just make sure you include everything that I put on that outline and that it flows.

12:37 PM  
Blogger Jenni Vega said...

Rhyme scheme is the sound of the words at the end of each line. Rhythm is the amount of syllables in each line. You were close!

12:38 PM  
Blogger Jenni Vega said...

Your reader's response should be in your intro or conclusion. You would have more room for this type of thing if you are doing the critic, reporter, or sister RAFT.

4:23 PM  
Blogger Jenni Vega said...

That is a good start to an introduction, but it is only one sentence and you need to have at least four or five. There is more to explain about the meaning of the poem...the guys working, the women being nothing but useless beauty....but a nice start.

7:06 PM  
Blogger Jenni Vega said...

I will try to post it here...and you are indeed not worthless!!!

Emily Dickinson Poetry Critique

Literary Critic People of England Journal Article
(5 paragraphs in columns) How your E.D. poem is not poetry
NY Times Reporter People of America Newspaper Poetry Review
(5 paragraphs in columns) Analysis of a new poet, E.D. and your poem
Emily Dickinson’s Sister Publishing Company Formal Letter
(5 paragraphs in letter format) The merits of publishing your E.D poem
Student of Emily Dickinson’s Poetry Mrs. Vega Five Paragraph Essay (Typical Format) Explication of your E.D. poem

The following should be included in each R.A.F.T:

 main theme of the poem
– The main idea, what is the poem saying? What is the poem about?
 the structure and language
– Structure - Meter, form, rhyme scheme, stanza and line arrangement
– Language – symbolism, imagery, figurative language, other literary devices.
 The reader’s response to the theme

This is a mess, but that's the only way it will post. I'll try to email it to you, but now with the new blog, it is not as easy to get to the email addresses. So email me at if you get this and I will reply with the attachment. Hope this helps.
Mrs. V

7:09 PM  
Blogger Jenni Vega said...

Try the following specialized google site:

There are tons of scholarly articles on here. Hope this helps!

7:44 PM  
Blogger Jenni Vega said...

You are so very welcome, my dear!

7:44 PM  
Blogger Jenni Vega said...

Look at the sample I gave you from the ppt handout. You want to incorporate the basic meaning of the poem and what you think is the most important literary device.

8:16 PM  

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